The word "laundering" means "cleaning," "removing dirt/stains," and "is good and positive work. However, it will turn into a total negative when the word "laundering" is combined with the word "money", becoming "Money Laundering." Because that series of words means "to embezzle/obfuscate illicit money to make it appear as if it is lawful/clean/legal/official".
In money laundering, there is an attempt to hide the origin of money obtained illegally, illegally, or proceeds of crime and then change it in the form of transactions/activities/businesses/etc that seem legitimate or legal, using various mechanisms and monetary instruments to disguise the nature of the money. forbidden It can be done through financial or non-financial mechanisms. In Wikipedia's review, this activity is clearly categorized as "dirty money."
As the law in the US explains, money laundering is the practice of engaging in financial transactions to hide the identity, source, or destination of illegally obtained money. In the past, the term "money laundering" was applied only to financial transactions related to organized crime. Currently, the definition is being broadened by governments and international regulators, such as the US Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, to include "any financial transaction that generates assets or value as a result of illegal acts", including acts such as tax evasion or fraudulent accounting.