Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Like The Egyptians in Africa

It has not been revealed where the origins of the Papuans are. Their black skin and curly hair led scientists to suspect that they were of Negro-African origin.

The physical form of the Papuan people is similar to the human figure from Africa with the Melanesian absorption language.

Now we can see Papuans who have a more advanced civilization, namely tribes who live in valleys to high mountains, which are familiar with agricultural techniques like the Dani tribe.

There are two opposing sides in assessing the exoticism of Papua.
On the one hand, it is trying to maintain it as a "culture and tourist attraction", but on the other hand it has also drawn protests for "allowing" its residents to live in poverty and primitiveness.

In fact, it is said that there are still pygmies there -- kate humans who are less than 1.5 meters tall, who are thought to be native Papuans.

note: the photo beside illustrates that the Dani tribe in Papua is able to preserve the corpses of their ancestors like the Egyptians in Africa

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