Tuesday, May 24, 2022

When you hear the word "Africa", what comes to your mind ?

The answer is, if someone mentions the word "Africa", then almost certainly what is in the mind of the interlocutor is:

1. Nations with a black race, while in Africa there are many nations with other races of skin color.

The African continent has about 3,000 different ethnic groups while Nigeria alone has around 370 officially recognized tribes. And you will find more information about African culture.

Around 2,000 different languages ​​are spoken in Africa and each has a different dialect while Arabic is the most spoken language on the African continent.

The word "Africa" ​​comes from the Latin, Africa terra — "land of Africa" ​​(plural of "Afer") — to denote the northern part of the continent, currently part of Tunisia, the seat of the Roman province of Africa. The origin of the word Afer is probably from the Phoenician, 'afar meaning dust; or of the Afridi tribe, who inhabited the northern part of the continent near Carthage; or from the Greek aphrike meaning without cold; or from the Latin aprica meaning bright.

2. Wilderness, even though many countries on the African continent are classified as advanced with sophisticated infrastructure and super-majestic buildings.

Telecommunication satellite, digital rail road, airport, toll road, skyscraper, internet, etc. Everything is in Africa, including the professionals or experts. When you visit a recreation/tourism park featuring an African pavilion, you will be treated to a spectacle of wilderness, full of various animals, plus primitive black houses. Just like watching the movie Tarzan.
All visitors from the age of children to old age when they leave the amusement park finally store in their brains' memories, that AFRICA IS A WILD FOREST. That's what has always been shown since the first, until now.
In comics, websites, social media, TV, etc. All give the same picture of Africa.
The data should always be updated, also watch NOW AFRICA, the development of each country/nation/tribe in Africa.

3. Poor, even though since the time of the prophets this continent has been known to be very rich.

African mines are well known and the continent produces at least 50% of diamonds and gold worldwide.
The continent is believed to have 90% cobalt, 90% platinum, 50% gold, 98% chromium, 70% tantalite,[29] 64% manganese and one-third of the world's uranium. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has 70% of the world's coltan, a mineral used in the production of tantalum capacitors for electronic devices such as cell phones. The DRC also has more than 30% of the world's diamond reserves. Guinea is the world's largest exporter of bauxite. Since growth in Africa has been driven primarily by services and not manufacturing or agriculture, it is growth without jobs and without reducing poverty.

4. Primitive, backward, hungry, food crisis, still hunting, nomadic, etc. Which is almost always inclined to preach the "negative" side

A Harvard University study led by professor Calestous Juma shows that Africa can feed itself by making the transition from importer to self-sufficiency. "African agriculture is at a crossroads; we have come to the end of the century of policies that support the export of raw materials and imports of African food. Africa is beginning to focus on agricultural innovation as a new engine for regional trade and prosperity."

This is due to, among other things :

1. The mass media rarely report on the modernization and progress of African countries.

2. The northern African countries were reported as if they were separate from Africa, and were considered part of the Middle Eastern nation.

3. Some countries in Africa whose governments deliberately preserve primitive tribes for tourism business purposes.
The people and all their traditions are kept authentic, and not touched by modernization.

So it is the duty of every African citizen from any country, whether they are still living in Africa, or who have emigrated outside Africa, to participate in building and straightening the image of Africa.


Progress and prosperity for Africa

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