Friday, June 3, 2022

African Renaissance : Fact or Fiction ?

“Here in Africa, history begins. Far from being a haphazard statement, this statement is an undeniable scientific fact which one finds evidence of when one explores the world in search of the remains of ancient civilizations.“Renaissance is a French word meaning "rebirth." The eagle has a remarkable characteristic regarding "rebirth" that I would like to share.

By the time the eagle reaches the age of 30, its strength is so reduced that survival becomes difficult: its claws lose their flexibility and cannot grip prey properly, their beak becomes blunt and bent, and their wing feathers grow thick and heavy, sticking to their chest and impairing their flight. The bird then retreats to the top of the mountain for months and breaks its beak by banging it against a rock, plucking its claws, and then plucking its feathers, each stage resulting in regrowth of the removed body parts which "renew" the eagle and allow it to live for 30 to 40 more years.

The eagle is not alone in this stunning attribute, although his inability to become president again in 2016 and 2020 is a sour memory, former President Mahama is like an eagle, going through a painful process of rebirth.
On Wednesday 25 May, a meeting was held entitled “African Renaissance: Fact or Fiction?” held, promoted by Harambee Africa International and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross on the occasion of Africa Day 2022.

According to Maryann Iloha, “The African Renaissance is a reality”, this can be seen even in the evolution of African fashion. Harambee Africa is a solidarity project started in 2002 for the canonization of St. Josemaria Escrivá and, since then, promoted a number of projects in Nigeria and many of them in many countries in Africa.

The meaning of the term African Renaissance, which now runs parallel to Pan-Africanism in the corridors of the African Union, should be clarified, as it confuses those who know the history of Africa before the tragedy of the European slave trade in Africa, and the plundering of African countries by European colonizers through legislation. Act Berlin 1885, says Dr Motsoko Pheko.

Let us not forget, when we talk about the African Renaissance, the “European Renaissance” brought slavery, colonialism and racism to Africa. It demeaned Africans, plundered Africa's wealth, destroyed African civilization and served underdeveloped Africa. Africans suffered the worst holocaust in human history as a result of the "European Renaissance".

Pan-Africanism has challenged the effects of the European Renaissance since 1900. The wars of national resistance against colonialism in various parts of Africa have of course been going on for a long time in countries like South Africa as early as 1510.

From the very beginning the Pan-Africans spoke of liberating Africa and restoring the continent to its former strength and glory. Pixley ka Isaka Seme talks about African Regeneration. He was right and wise in not using the term African Renaissance, which would look like a colonial African imitation of the revival that took place in Europe, with genocidal consequences for the African people.

The world's first renaissance was Africa. Africa was the cradle of the first human civilization, destroyed by agents of the European Renaissance. Africa advanced before Europe, taking advantage of the superiority of weapons over spears in war, invaded it. Fascinated by the greatness of Africa, the famous Emperor of the Roman Empire Julius Caesar told the world, "Ex-Africa Semper Aliquid Novi!" (From Africa always comes something new.)

It is not surprising that, not so long ago, Europeans worshiped the “Black Madonna” – the holy family of Jesus Christ and his mother Mary. Sir Godfrey Higgins' two-volume treatise, Ancalypsis, states, “The Infant God in his mother's arms black, eyes and curtains white, is himself completely black… There is hardly an old church in Italy where remains of the worship of the Virgin Black and the Black Child are nowhere to be found."

African achievements :
However, Higgins also observes that "often black figures were replaced by white figures and instead of black figures being considered sacred, they were placed in church pensions, but not demolished".

This is one of many attempts to hide the dominance of the first revival on earth, namely Africa; and to portray the barbaric and immoral European Renaissance which brought the darkness of slavery, colonialism, and racism as "superior" to Africa that sustains and enlightens the world. But the truth remains. Commenting on the peace and security of many African countries before the Berlin European Conference in 1885, which sliced ​​Africa like a cake and divided it into "British Africa", "Africa Belgian”, “Spanish Africa”, “French Africa”, “German Africa”, Portuguese Africa,” and “Italian Africa” (leaving nothing for Africans except Ethiopians); renowned British journalist and author from Old Africa Rediscovered, Basil Davidson, wrote: Africa welcomes all human beings.

“Only six missionaries out of about 300 who have penetrated East and Central Africa are known to have been killed by accidental assassination. What appears to be chaos is rare. What seems like a danger to life is almost always exaggerated.

“Travelers' lives in central Africa are actually much safer – from war and human killings – than in Europe in general; which explains, of course, the gentler way in which Africans are used to accepting foreigners.

”Since many people intentionally confuse Mizraim in Africa (what the Greeks called Egypt), it's important for me to clear up this confusion first.

African Egyptologist, Prof. Cheikh Anta Diop has written extensively on the early history of Africa, particularly Mizraim (ancient Egypt).

He had stated, “Ancient Egypt was a Black civilization. The history of Black Africa will remain in the air and cannot be properly written until African historians dare to relate it to the Egyptian problem. African historians, avoiding the Egyptian problem, are not humble, objective, or calm; he's stupid, cowardly, and neurotic

"Diop explains, “Imagine if you could look at the uncomfortable position of a Western historian who writes European history without reference to Greco-Latin Antiquity, and considers it scientific research … Ancient Egyptians were black. The moral fruits of their civilization must be reckoned with among the assets of the Black World. Instead of presenting itself as a bankrupt debtor, the Black World is the originator of the 'Western civilization' on display before us today.”

AU and the African Renaissance :
When the AU talks about Pan-Africanism and the African Renaissance, which African Renaissance are they talking about? The first awakening on the planet was Africa. If the current African Renaissance that the AU is talking about is simply a clone of the racist "European Renaissance", then the Pan-African struggle will be abandoned.

Pre-colonial Africa fascinated not only Julius Caesar, but also Napoleon Bonaparte of France. He envied the title "Pharaoh" which was the title of ruler of Mizraim. This French emperor sent his scientists to conduct archaeological research in Egypt, Africa.

The moral fruits of their civilization must be reckoned with among the assets of the Black World. The Black World is the originator of the 'Western civilization' on display before us today.

These archaeologists assert that the ancient Egyptians were black people. Abbe Emile (1850-1916), a highly qualified Egyptologist, excavated Om El' Qaab. He found and identified 16 African pharaohs more ancient than Menes. The view that the ancient Egyptians were Black is held by prominent ancient historians such as Pliny, Strabo, Diodorus, Tacitus and Herodotus himself who is revered.

Africans built Memphis, the capital of Mizraim in 3100 BC. The Greeks built Athens in 1200 BC. The Romans built Rome in 1000 BC.
Africans invented writing. It was a hieroglyph before 3000BC, and a hieratic alphabet shortly after this. Demotic writing developed around 600 BC; while the Kushite script was used in 300 BC. Other African scripts are Merotic, Mende from Mali, Coptic, Amharic, Sabean and G'eez, Nsibidi script from Nigeria and Twi script from the Twi people of Ghana.

As Edem Kodjo, author of Africa Tomorrow, puts it, “Here in Africa, history begins. Far from being a haphazard statement, this statement is an undeniable scientific fact which one finds evidence of when one explores the world in search of the remains of ancient civilizations.

"According to the current state of research on the origins of human progress, the Mother of Mankind, Africa remains a privileged source of the first manifestations of intense human creativity."Africa never lost to Europe until European terrorist militarism imposed slavery and colonialism on Africans.

It is estimated that from the 15th century the slave trade carried out by Western Europeans, Americans and others, was stolen from Africa more than $370 trillion, and this does not include the colonial damage done to Africa by Western Europeans through their imperialist Berlin Conference in 1885. Yet Africa is still abused for its “foreign debt” by slavery practitioners and thieves of other countries and their wealth.

Dr. Motsoko Pheko is a historian, political scientist, lawyer and theologian. He is the author of books such as Towards Africa's Authentic Liberation, African Renaissance Saved Christianity and Rediscovering Africa And Her Spiritality. He is a former Member of Parliament for South Africa.

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