Is a drama about the struggles of two black heroes – Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr, at the Teatro Sessions in Rio de Janeiro. This play was directed by Isaac Bernat and his arrival to Brazil couldn't have come at a better time. Many African Americans, myself included, often conclude that, in many ways, the Afro-Brazilian struggle for racial equality, the end of racism and police brutality and the push for equality of opportunity, is about 4-5 decades behind the African-American situation. The translation and adaptation of this play is by Rogério Corrêa.
“We are faced with dramaturgy dealing with issues such as racism, discrimination and social injustice, actions that prevent society from being just and equal. Malcolm and Martin's visions and practices have much to inspire and teach us at this time in which humanity seems lost and hopeless. Aline Mohamad and I have been trying to stage it for years and now the time has come,” said director Bernat.
It is against this backdrop that the work, speeches, and lives of the two giants are presented that The Meeting, a play written by Jeff Stetson and debuted in the US in 1987, takes to the stage in Brazil. Based on an imaginary meeting and debate between two civic/human rights leaders, the play challenges the audience to come to a conclusion about a unified path that will lead the black masses to freedom.
You may wonder how a drama based in the United States has meaning in Brazil which has a slightly different historical development and context? But upon closer inspection, one should come to the conclusion that, in terms of "race and place", the racial situation in the US and Brazil has much more in common, which is the reason why so many black Brazilians have come to understand and identify with Martin's story and Malcolm.
The dramas above are:
1. Evidence that the two heroes are remembered, respected and imitated in the world.
2. The world supports their cause.
3. Good and right way of expressing heroes correctly, not contradicting each other among heroes.
1. Evidence that the two heroes are remembered, respected and imitated in the world.
2. The world supports their cause.
3. Good and right way of expressing heroes correctly, not contradicting each other among heroes.
Many good and right ways to support the struggle of the heroes, especially against MLK and MX, have been expressed in a fair, balanced manner. Some are through paintings, songs, sports, books, and even tattoo art.
If you examine any historical facts about 20th century black leadership and, inevitably, the discussion will turn to two of the most famous icons of the 1960s: Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. Discussion of black leaders Which America to follow and whose ideology is best to address the ongoing oppression of African descent is ongoing and can be applied to many other settings outside the United States.
Books about the two have been translated into many of the world's languages, as well as documentaries and speeches by and about the two have been re-released, making their messages resonate in different contexts, settings and languages. Especially in Brazil, after King received status in a more general social movement, he became more famous in Brazil.
But such a legacy Malcolm is also well represented in Brazil with a number of politically conscious rappers citing his autobiography as a major influence on their lives and on their racial/political consciousness. These elements were responsible for bringing one of Malcolm's daughters to Brazil to participate in the 2015 Black Awareness Month celebrations.
Movements of MLK and MX are more relevant and widespread today
summary : blackbraziltoday
summary : blackbraziltoday
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