Thursday, June 23, 2022

Rasta supporters straighten accusation

If people say Rastarian smokes weed and grows dreadlocks, it's true, it goes much deeper than that.

According to the Old Testament book (Leviticus 19:27), Rastas believe that one should not cut their hair because that is where their strength lies. Dreads form naturally over time.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Bob Marley Musician Extraordinary "Crazy"

Maybe people in general around the world when they hear or read the words "Rasta" or "Rastafari", then they spontaneously picture Bob Marley's face, imagining his distinctive, authentic, attractive appearance. And ringing in his ears the songs he sings. It is even possible to remember all the accessories and attributes, including the colors. Bob Marley's music is simply insane. Long before there was the internet and android, it was very popular.

Sunday, June 19, 2022


The "back to Africa" ​​movement, historically, has been a long-standing topic and is suspected of being used offensively by those with racist views. But it also found some echoes among black leaders. The proponent of the idea was Marcus Garvey. Garvey was a Jamaican-born black nationalist who created the 'Back to Africa' movement in the early 20th century in the United States, although he explained that the idea did not apply to all African Americans. "We don't want all the Negroes in Africa. Some are not good here, and certainly not good there," he said.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Back to Africa

There were disagreements regarding the meaning of the "Back to Africa" ​​movement, some were sympathetic, some were apathetic, and some were against it. The basic sympathy is, of course, "solidarity among black people", which is apathetic according to many references because it has been in America since birth, the American language, American culture, the American climate, and all of America. And those who disagree according to many references also mainly come from the upper-middle class.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The expats reluctantly noticed that the resume button wasn't there.

Very interesting and heartwarming writing from Nadege Seppou, published at

She questioned the "Africanism" of Africans who had long lived outside Africa. Is it true that his heart is still linked with Africa?

In Indonesia, there are also many tribes who migrate, such as the Minang, Madurese, Batak, Javanese, Sundanese, etc. The motives are varied, some are forced to migrate, perhaps because of colonialism, because of the threat of certain parties. They could also wander on purpose. maybe to find a job, build a business, follow a partner, etc. But of all the nomads when they return to their hometown, or return to their hometown, they can still blend in with the original culture, build their village, return to their origin or perhaps it is appropriate to call it "back to nature".