Sunday, August 14, 2022


VSDC is the best tool for learning video editing. The facilities are very complete and are open source software, without watermarks. With VSDC all video editing process becomes easy.

Today I show you how easy it is to CREATE a TEXT RUN using VSDC.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Money Laundry

The word "laundering" means "cleaning," "removing dirt/stains," and "is good and positive work. However, it will turn into a total negative when the word "laundering" is combined with the word "money", becoming "Money Laundering." Because that series of words means "to embezzle/obfuscate illicit money to make it appear as if it is lawful/clean/legal/official".

In money laundering, there is an attempt to hide the origin of money obtained illegally, illegally, or proceeds of crime and then change it in the form of transactions/activities/businesses/etc that seem legitimate or legal, using various mechanisms and monetary instruments to disguise the nature of the money. forbidden It can be done through financial or non-financial mechanisms. In Wikipedia's review, this activity is clearly categorized as "dirty money."

As the law in the US explains, money laundering is the practice of engaging in financial transactions to hide the identity, source, or destination of illegally obtained money. In the past, the term "money laundering" was applied only to financial transactions related to organized crime. Currently, the definition is being broadened by governments and international regulators, such as the US Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, to include "any financial transaction that generates assets or value as a result of illegal acts", including acts such as tax evasion or fraudulent accounting.

Monday, August 1, 2022

What is the procedure for foreigners who want to invest in Indonesia?

The world today is in the era of globalization and the era of free trade. Many countries open up and provide access/opportunities for investors from abroad to invest their capital.

Establishing cooperative relations between nations/states, both institutional/organizational/individual is certainly very good. Because there is a spirit of togetherness, unity, harmony, humanity and welfare. And it should always contain elements of mutual benefit and justice.

In terms of ownership of assets/property by foreigners, each country must have prepared legal procedures. The goal is to not only guarantee the official ownership, is also to be able to run their business safely and comfortably. On the other hand, it is also to protect land and state assets, to sort out which ones are allowed or not allowed to be owned by foreigners, so it is very necessary to make laws and regulations.

The parties involved in the formal management of these legal documents are usually notaries, legal experts, developers or property owners, land/agrarian services, immigration, etc. All of those who are related must understand well the local legal system that will be the location of investment. And must be able to explain it perfectly. There should be absolutely no element of "looking for shortcuts that will harm certain parties". Especially if the client/partner/relative/consumer/seller/buyer/etc do not understand the legal basis in detail.

Monday, July 25, 2022

The Concert For Bangladesh

This is music for humanity.

It was over 50 years ago, but it was a very successful show, its echo reverberating around the world. The spirit of humanity, the spirit of social care, and the sincerity in donating from the supporting artists are very worthy of respect.

Even though it was a charity concert 50 years ago, it still needs to be repeated and given continuously, because in the charity concert led by Ravi Shankar and George Harrison, the concept of HUMANITY HAS BEEN APPLICABLE CORRECTLY.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Love Bridge

A bridge is a link between two landmasses. That's the physical meaning. Bridges in government are usually called embassies or diplomats. In the world of offices/businesses/organizations, it usually takes the form of a branch office or representative office. In the world of love? The bridge of love in Indonesia is usually called "Mak Comblang" [Mak Matchmaker], what is it called in your country?

Mak Comblang as a bridge of love is sometimes really needed. Especially by two male and female people who are approaching each other, looking at each other, harboring mutual feelings for each other, but still shy to express it directly. It could also be because to maintain prestige, so pretending to sell expensive. Are you acting like that too?